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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

We don't have a president - we have a dictator!

What the HELL has happened to our country??? When did it become even possible for the president to do whatever he wants with impunity? How do we stop this from continuing to happen? What happened to the "checks and balances" and "balance of power" that were written into our Constitution? How is it that we just sit back and complain, without taking any action?

Although I am just an "ordinary citizen" I feel like there are probably millions of us here in the country who feel the same way - and collectively we CAN make our voices heard..WE CANNOT LET BARAK OBAMA BE RE - ELECTED!!! Hopefully, our country will be able to survive until 2012 and we can put someone else in the Whitehouse who will truly "do the will of the people" - then we can tell Obama, "yes, that's what elections are for"!